Factory Girl EP 01 [2008.10.08]

[videojs youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0akLPc1vKE][/videojs]
Published on October 8, 2008 by Nicehost

Project 136! The long awaited Factory Girl. I promised a less than 24 hour release and this is what you guys get. Give a huge round of applause to the people that worked extra hard to get this project out to you. This is indeed SNSD’s comeback month and also the return of SoShi Subs. Honestly give it up for the FG team this round. There were a bunch of bumps along the way but everything worked out for the best. Our team is honestly amazing. Team work is jjang. We’re recruiting more staff btw, so you should check that out if you can time/translate. Other than that the lowdown on this project is that each episode will have it’s own project thread, but in that project thread there will be the translated episode and whatever gooodies release with it. So basically if MNet releases a BTS with episode 1 when it releases and we sub it, we’ll post it in this thread as an update. So keep checking back and commenting hardcore. Pink Subs Ftw~. Remember to leave long comments this project was not easy to sub. The episode had so many amusing moments from the girls though. It was different to see our girls working as interns and not as performers, but still fun. [If you don’t leave a comment, I’m going to not be happy because boxclub translated this episode by herself, even though she was sick and had surgery yesterday. Not only that but because the raw was a bit delayed she was translating the audio for the show just so this could release in time. If anything she needs major props]


Translator: boxclub
Editor: SCBet & Soy
Timer: SCBet, xxnary072xx, Kanki, Soy
Encoder: renesis

Download From http://www.soshified.com/forums/topic/9928-factory-girl-snsd-ep-1-100808/ Category Tag

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