Channel SNSD EP 02 [2015.07.28]

Published on August 10, 2015 by Nicehost



Project 684! I know you be livid at us! The project did run us a bit longer than we expected but hope you were waiting patiently enough and can enjoy the release of Episode 2! Now that you finished spazzing over fancams and stories from KCON, back to serious business. OnStyle time! This picks up where we left off, (obviously) and continue to more antics and fun from your gals. Hmmm I think there was mentioned of Yoona in the kitchen? Aliens attacking from outer space? I can’t spoil everything! We hope to bring you more episodes. Be sure to check out for more exciting news and streams of Pink Subs goodies. As always, enjoy.

– Jimmy6

Translations: SonexStella
Timing: pamdiana12, pink_tokkyu
Screentext: Anye
Spot Translations: SonexStella
Editing: moonrise31
Encoding: Jimmy6


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  • Intan Oktaviani 5 years ago

    You can try download from here since Soshified videos cant play anymore. I hope they have the backups and will reupload it… Really appreciate and grateful for soshified’s hardwork in the past and now

  • Bobbie 8 years ago

    Alice,É sim um problema essa coisa das prÃmoo§Ãµes para novos clientes, uma falta de respeito com os antigos. Mas acho que acabará acontecendo como aconteceu com a FOX, que teve de voltar atrás e oferecer opção porque a audiência fugiu.

  • iceprincesss 9 years ago

    hi. i am having a hard time on downloading videos bec. i am still a rookie in this site. can someone help me please? thank you. 🙂

    • Nicehost 9 years ago

      Hello Ice princess, the download section is in the Soshified forums not within soshisubs 🙂

      if you need more help, kindly look for me in soshified’s sbox or in twitter.

  • Firesword007 9 years ago

    I’m sorry if I sounded rude or pushy in my earlier comments. I just get easily frustrated. Please forgive me if I sounded rude.

  • Firesword007 9 years ago

    I also tried to log out of and re log back into my laptop. That didn’t work either. I don’t think it’s my internet, because other video streaming services work fine. Please fix this. I’m sorry for leaving so many replies, and I hope I don’t sound pushy.

  • Firesword007 9 years ago

    Hi! Thanks for subbing! However, I don’t know if it’s my bad internet, or a problem with the video or the website, but the buffer is terrible! It was fine on the last video, but this one takes forever just to buffer a few minutes. I left it sit for 10 minutes, and 90 seconds had buffered. I tried refreshing, but it wouldn’t work. Thanks! (I’m on Chrome on my windows 8 laptop),

    • Firesword007 9 years ago

      By bad internet, I don’t mean that its naturally slow, but I know that it can sometimes be problematic at times.

    • Firesword007 9 years ago

      I tried to clear the cache too, but it still buffers extremely slow. Please help! It’s basically unwatchable in this state, which is a shame.

    • Firesword007 9 years ago

      I believe that it is the hosting site. I have watched other videos on your website with no problem. I just wanted to say one final thing. Thank you, and good day.

      • Firesword007 9 years ago

        I noticed that every other video that uses the website doesn’t work for me either. I also noticed that it seemed to work for everyone a few months ago. Perhaps something happened to it since then?

        Thank you once again! I just hate to see the video not work, especially when everyone worked so hard.

  • Jannina_N 9 years ago

    Thank you soooo much for uploading and subbing 😀
    I’m having a lot of fun watching our Soshi C: <333

  • grynn 9 years ago

    thanks for subbing!! 😀

  • kimkyungsoo 9 years ago

    Ep 8!! PLease

  • Subin 9 years ago

    Hey, I just want to say thank you for subbing this show! 😀 I know it’s hard work, so thank you so much ^.^ And great job~

  • Wendell Campas 9 years ago

    Girls Generation s music videos on YouTube. Girls Generation performances found through MBC, KBS, and SBS s official YouTube channels.

    • Nicehost 9 years ago

      Yes they are, and we link to their official channels for posted posted videos to support their views. What’s your point?

      • Stormy 8 years ago

        Reblogged this on and commented:Once again, Goss Coaching has put into words what I’ve beent trying to sort out in my own mind. I sincerely love the psychic power of WodP0ress&#823r;.

  • Jariel_SONe 9 years ago

    Hi,may i know what is the song name @49:49?

  • Revina 9 years ago

    Can you upload ep 5 and ep 6?

  • Danielle 9 years ago

    Daebaaaaak! 😀

  • yusra 9 years ago

    Hey can you plz upload the 2nd episode to dailymotion so that I can download it plz

    • Nicehost 9 years ago

      Downloads are restricted to soshified forums.

      • Happy 8 years ago

        Lot of smarts in that postnig!

  • harris arhat 9 years ago

    Hope you can upload this on another video player
    need to save my quota
    thank you

  • Imran 9 years ago

    can u get rid of the f-ing pop up adds pls, I can play even 1 video rn and is pissing me off

    • Nicehost 9 years ago

      Hello, no we cannot. This is the only way we can maintain this free service to you as a user. We understand that you do get annoyed with ads but they are what keep lights running. 🙂

      p.s. We chose to only set 1 popup ad for our users, if you experience more than one – you may want to check if you have malware in your system.

  • Frank 9 years ago

    Hi, thank you so much for your hard work and dedication for this…
    and a little question.. is the video quality is HD?
    Thank you again…

    • Nicehost 9 years ago

      Hi, at the moment they’re posted in 720p. Releases for HD or 1080p are using found in the forums or requested for there. Thank you for your continued support.

    • Betsey 8 years ago

      Good blog. I got a lot of good inotamroifn. IÂ’ve been watching this technology for awhile. ItÂ’s intriguing how it keeps shifting, yet some of the core components remain the same. Have you seen much change since Google made their latest acquisition in the area?

  • k 9 years ago

    thanks for this, your subbing is the BEST. Fighting!
    hope you have other video player available for ep3 tho cuz it took me a long long long time to load it but my computer has no problems with playing jwplayer/youtube/dailymotion.

  • queenseonsa 9 years ago

    Hi soshisubbers! Yep, i’ve been patiently waiting and i really wanna say thanks for the quality sub!! Fighting!!!


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