Project 689! The end of summer pushed our staff and tested your patience. We do apologize for making you guys wait but here it is, Episode 5! You have seen the tweets, tumblr posts, tags, etc about this episode and seen what happened, again, we’re so sorry for making you wait for this. A pool, and 8 girls. That is probably all you need to know, and I’ll let your imagination run wild from there!
– Jimmy6
Translations: SonexStella
Timing: moonrise31, yulbutt
Screentext: pink_tokkyu
Spot Translations: SonexStella
Editing: moonrise31
Encoding: Jimmy6
You can try download from here since Soshified videos cant play anymore. I hope they have the backups and will reupload it… Really appreciate and grateful for soshified’s hardwork in the past and now
My favorite
02/06/2011 – 9:57amSi alguien está legitimado a señalar con el dedo, a acordarse de quienes les han bombardeado con conspiraciones absurdas, a mofarse de quien, amparado por el cinismo más obsceno, no ha dejado de menospreciarles todo el año, esos son los jugadores del Barcelona, protagonistas indirectos de esta pelÃcula de Serie B pero con excesiva publicidad que lleva dirigiendo el Real Madrid desde que cayó en manos de la productora José Mourinho Enfnttainment.rueete donbalon.
Appreciate all the hard work subbing
Thank yo all Soshisub team for your commitment to SNSD.
Hey I am new here so sry if that was asked before but when do you upload the next parts and will there be snsd and the dangerous Boys too? Nice page and thank you hope yall having a great day??
Thank you for sub ^^ I am waiting for the next episode!
will you guys sub the remaining episodes? plsplspls i haven’t watched the rest cause I’m still waiting for ur subs! 🙂
Ahh its been so long >.< are you guys going to sub the rest?
I am waiting for the next episode! I wonder when it will come out?
I hope you can upload all the videos with this player. Thanks a lot! 🙂
THANK YOUUUUUUUUU!!!!!! Seriously! Worth the wait.
Thank you. Your English subs are the best. It was worth the wait.
It’s not HD?
try plater selection #2 for 720p. The forums have higher quality versions reserved for members that meet the requirements 🙂
oke thank you so much
That hits the target pefltcery. Thanks!
Thank you so much! I don’t care if it took a long time! I’ve been waiting for this but I know it’s worth it because it’s Soshisubs! Always loyal to pink subs! Fighting subber-nims! Thank you very much! :*
Thank you so much for subbing these! Even though it takes a while it’s totally worth the wait, because you always deliver these with such high quality. Amazing work!
how to download ?
Forum members can download when they hit the 50 post requirement or are donors to the soshified community.
Wow. For someone whose just starting to become a fan of the girls, it’s a hard task.
HOLLY COW !! , Finally , Thank you
Tänk, jag har faktiskt flera gÃ¥nger tänkt frÃ¥ga dig om dina härliga fotografier! Jag har mÃ¥nga gÃ¥nger förundrats över dom. Jag använder inte heller en massa binseehaldlingdfunktionbr, använder en gammal version av paint shop pro, som jag inte kan sÃ¥ mycket av…I stort sett det enda jag gör innan jag lägger upp bilder pÃ¥ bloggen är att förminska dom, beskära sÃ¥ det blir vit kant runtom och sen bättra pÃ¥ skärpan lite…Kram Millan