Hyoyeon, Sooyoung & Seohyun are guests on this radio show hosted by SG Wannabe’s Lee Seokhoon (you may remember him from Yuri’s episode of 100 Points Out of 100). The regular guests here are the long-haired psychiatric expert (who we’re seeing for the third time in a radio show with the girls), and well-known Korean music producer Shinsadong Tiger. The psychiatric expert analyzes the meaning behind the lyrics and individual parts of The Boys, coming up with some very interesting results. The girls also discuss some topics of interest – Sooyoung mentions her car accident and having a recurring nightmare because of it, while Hyoyeon spills on Seohyun’s sleeping habits.
Translator: jreddevil07
Timers: tofu, MinatoKai
Editor: Rinnie
Encoder: hangthienbao
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