Mystery Special Force EP 03 [2008.05.22]

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Published on May 22, 2008 by Nicehost


Project 98! Sorry for the delay guys, but hopefully this batch of videos will make everyone happy. I know we’ve been getting a lot of requests, and we know what to sub and what not to, so just wait for our releases. 3 color was a bit delayed, but totally worth it, all of the girls involved were hilarious, esp that Kkab Yul. Mystery Special Force was very interesting, and it was funny that Fany & Sica were edited out, while SSGB was extremely cute with our maknae as guest. All three videos with Fany, haha enjoy. I know we’re lagging a bit, but please try and be patient, the lot of us are still students and have exams and a social life, that we try to abide with even if soshi is important. Oh and comment more ! Remember to keep it about the power of 9. Pink Subs FTW~

– Soy

Translator: jstn
Timer: &patty
Editor: Soy
Encoder: slyph

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one Comment

  • gyrinopsa 5 years ago

    I love it


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