Lee Hana’s Peppermint [2009.02.14]

[videojs dailymotion=http://www.dailymotion.com/video/k1bgJfIbOW7NRgcH4uY][/videojs]
Published on February 14, 2009 by Nicehost


Project 211! Wow another subbed release right? Anyways hope you guys enjoy this one their performances for this Peppermint appearance is in the videos section this is just the cute interview portion with the girls. Who wouldn’t want them as their Valentine’s right? Kim Gunmo was also there. I hope you’re liking all these releases this weekend haha tons of things to watch during this 3-Day weekend for US students (because of President’s Day). Pink subs FTW~

– Soy

Translator: cathode
Editor: Soy
Timer: TheFly
Encoder: renesis

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one Comment

  • Mohamad 9 years ago

    I have to agree, Kenneth, Sooyoung has consistently blown my mind with how canrig and strong she is. If what she has done isn’t an expression of agape love, than I don’t know what is. Even when she should be resting and healing after being injured (which I should add was on her way to a charity event), after seeing that her fans were distressed about her condition, she couldn’t help but feel the need to spend 2 days slaving away at editing a response video to let her her fans know she was okay, and to send love out to all SONEs. She even painstakingly takes the time to reply to all these UFOs from fans to let them know that she is indeed fine. If only politicians had such devotion to their supporters as Sooyoung does to her fans, the world would be a much better place.Let us all learn a lesson from her, our dear shikshin, Sooyoung.


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