Project 157. I had to release this earlier because I won’t be on later tonight. Remember to thank the hard working subbers. Second generation of Kko Kko Tour has finally started and with a new SNSD member, Yuri. Which might be why this was subbed so quickly. Anyways this episode is a bit longer than the the previous ones because they recently canceled one of the shows in the KBS line up. Enjoy all the cute Yuri moments. She’s so entertaining. These set of dates will be on Jeju Island and will include Shin Junghwan, Tak Jaehoon, Jung Siah, Amy, Shin Dongwook, Lee Minwoo, Gil [LeeSsang], Hwang Chansung (2PM), Jo Donghyuk, Kim Shihyang, and Jin Bora. Pink Subs ftw~
Translators: cathode & jstn
Editors: Soy & SCBet
Timers: bug & Misa
Spot Translator: bug
Encoder: Lynd
FLAWLESSLY BEAUTIFUL! But I must say that even if she may not be this beautiful anmroye in the future, I would still love her because I love her as she is. I LOVE YURI! The funny YURI, the sexy YURI, the sweet YURI, the mad YURI, the innocent YURI, the imperfect YURI. Everything about her. She is not my favorite because ALL nine of them are my favorite.By the way I’m a new SONE and I’m proud to be ONE. Thanks to the administrator of this website, I’ve got to know SNSD more. God bless everyone here! (this is my first post. I was starstruck on YURI’s angelic face so this is the first article that I happened to click. Hmmm YURI’s beauty is indeed yurisistible!)