Kko Kko Tour S1 EP 05 (Tiffany) [2008.10.19]

Published on October 19, 2008 by Nicehost



Project 151. If you have never thanked the subbers before in your life or even gave a thought about how hard their job is for you guys, even though they do it for free, here’s your chance. I think sometimes people take these downloads for granted and just download the episodes without leaving any comment whatsoever. I’m just going to say that if you keep doing that, you’re going to just end up discouraging the subbers from subbing anymore. People don’t understand how much easier it would have been to do the “Tiffany Cut” of these episodes, but instead of that, the subbers opted to do the full episodes for you guys, even though the complete set has 6 episodes. People get tired of these shows because, they’re really long and tedious to sub. Not only that but as a team we grew to the point where we taught all the timers how to style screentext so that the subs are more pleasing to your eyes. Subbing is a lot harder than people think. Don’t take it for granted and really respect the subbers T-T. Big props to FanyLove & cathode for stepping up this time, the team is really getting tired with subbing because of school and work, so please take a second and just give them some type of encouragement, they do this for free. Pink Subs FTW~.

– Soy

Translators: FanyLove & cathode
Editor: Soy
Timers: xxnary072xx & Misa
Spot Translator: WishForFany
Encoder: Lynd

Download From http://www.soshified.com/forums/topic/10452-kko-kko-tour-s1-ep-5-tiffany-101908/ Category Tag

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