Immortal Musical Classics (Taeyeon) [2008.12.21]

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Published on December 21, 2008 by Nicehost


Project 197! I don’t care if you’re a Taeyeon fan or not, this show was a complete waste of time to sub, Taeyeon barely spoke and that was it. Sure the dancing was cute and her english was too, but that lasted for like 5 minutes. Overall this was a really bad project choice on my behalf and I’ll acknowledge that, but since we promised it, here’s the full episode. I’m not going to fluff it up and tell you it’s worth watching, because honestly it’s not and rather forgettable. I really do feel bad for the subbers that had to do this project, sorry guys. Enjoy. Remember subbers love long comments ^^ Pink subs FTW~

– Soy

Translators: Seannn, FanyLove, & xyiseul
Editor: Shitro13
Timers: TheFly, kayaro, Greenbox
Spotter: cathode
Encoder: sekshi

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