Factory Girl EP 04 [2008.10.29]

Published on October 29, 2008 by Nicehost


Project 153. Eemo saves the day again. Fast translations = fast release, so remember to thank her everyone. Oh right and a major thanks to Vin for upping the raw so fast this week, it really helps when we have a stable raw. Not only that but our timers were on their game today and thanks Tim for helping us encode this week. This was a pretty neat episode, but honestly to me nothing will beat next week’s. The girls had some cute moments. Jessica was so cute and lonely when no one wanted her to do their makeup. Sunny was busy fangirling over the guests and Hyoyeon was a hottie on the dance floor but still acted like a professional. The girls are improving at being editors and I’m proud. Another less than 24 hour release. We are the shizz. Pink Subs FTW~.

– Soy

Translator: boxclub
Editor: Soy
Timers: xxnary072xx & Misa
Encoder: Lynd

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