MBC Shim Shim Ta Pa Radio [2013.01.16]

[videojs youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLeZX6D5034][/videojs]
Published on January 16, 2013 by Nicehost


Project 636! A 2 hours radio show with our adorable Taeng DJ and Fang DJ! They were very dorky and hilarious in this. This is radio a must watch! We also subbed Taeyeon’s penalty clip because she is just too cute running around the office trying to find 9 pieces of clothing within the time limit. Enjoy!!

– hangthienbao

Translator: jreddevil07, SoshiKimbab
Timers: o-hoy!, yoongsan15, pink_tokkyu, soshi_tae
Screentext Timer: soshi_tae
Spots Translator: jreddevil07, ch0sshi
Editor: soshiluv9, Bk24
Encoder: hangthienbao

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