Project 108! We’re at triple digits now, but the number 9 is still important. For SNSD fans, this is a must watch episode. You can def. feel the love that Sunny has for the 8 girls and just get to know a bit more about Sunny. She has this cute English moment. This was her first time dj-ing without Sungmin, and I think she was uber cute, every time she was lost or didn’t know what to do she played a song, but she did manage to talk more during the second half, so we subbed it. Valiant effort, plus she said a phrase from Kung Fu Panda in english. Favorite this, Save this, their SoShi Bond will always be around. For those SoShi-deprived, hahaha here’s your daily dose of SNSD. Also Sunny wore Soshified’s necklace during this Chunji as well. Enjoy, Pink Subs FTW~
– Soy
Translator: boxclub
Editor: Soy
Timer: kayaro
Encoder: slyph
Hello guys, do you have video where sunny and taeyeon do the DJ’s together? i think its around 080220 ? thanks ^^