MUSIC JAPAN SNSD Special [2011.06.09]

Published on October 1, 2015 by Nicehost


Project 533! This special documents their journey in Japan from their debut to the first day of the tour. The interview asks about their thoughts preparing for Japan and during their activities and the earthquake that they narrowly avoided. Then each of the girls present the motto they live by, which are good things for all of us to take to heart. It finishes off with a look behind the scenes during the first concert day in Osaka, their introductions in Japanese and a few performances on stage. Enjoy!

– kiseki

Translators: Kkabbekky, redsunset, taengbear
Spot Translator: arghninja, typicalharu
Timers: hangthienbao
Editor: soshiluv9
Encoder: kiseki

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