Taeyeon’s Chinchin Radio (SNSD) [2009.01.13]

Published on January 13, 2009 by bhost909


The first radio with all 9 girls together since … well a long time. I watched this and was able to witness every single emotion available. Perhaps one of the best if not the best radio I’ve seen with the girls. I know a lot of emphasis was put on the girls and them revealing messages to each other and that part was indeed cry-worthy, the highlight of the whole thing for me was the fact that Chinchin was able to get audio clips from people that have worked/seen SNSD in action and talked about the girls honestly. The girls themselves were cracking up at the secrets that were revealed and I was surprised. They all have an amazing sense of humor and like Sunny says pretty hearts. You can really feel the SoShi bond throughout this video, even with our kid leader being so sick. I hope you guys watch this well.


Translators: jstn , ak6c, & boxclub
Editor: Soy
Timer: kayaro & bug
Encoder: sekshi

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