Passionate Love EP 04 [2013.10.06]

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Published on October 10, 2015 by Nicehost


Project 658! The last 4 cuts of Seohyun from the drama 馃檪 Seohyun did a great job as Han Yurim. Hopefully we can see her in another drama soon. Sorry for keeping you guys waiting. Enjoy~

– hangthienbao

Translator: garlical, minigiglo
Spot Translator: minigiglo
Timers: minigiglo, hangthienbao, SNSDDani
Editors: bhostyy, pink_tokkyu, hangthienbao
Encoder: hangthienbao

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one Comment

  • Alinne 9 years ago

    GG members and mriaarge .hmmm. Several thoughts on this one. First off, it would definitely be bad for business. SM has a fortune invested in these girls and I’m sure they would be none to happy about anything like this if it did happen, I’m sure they could spin it and make it the most watched mriaarge in all of Asia via pay-per-view or something. Seriously, it would complicate things incredibly for any of the girls who enters into a long-term relationship. Secondly, the young ladies are very, very busy, and have little to no time for dating or relationships especially marriage and children. I am 48 years old, and that kind of relationship takes a lot of work and commitment. I think it would be nearly impossible to keep a mriaarge alive and be an idol with the kind of scheduling they have. Maybe things are different in the Korean culture and they can weather that kind stormy life. There is a reason why celebritiy mriaarges don’t work.Thirdly, who are they going to date/marry?? It would most likely be another idol. Another moment of honest here .the girls have not led a normal life and they can not date or marry normal people. They would have nothing in common with most folks. That leaves a pretty small field of guys to choose from and can you imagine the guy who steps into this. I’ll be the first to admit, it would be incredibly awesome to look into the eyes of a member of girls generation and tell her how much you love her but there is going to be an immense amount of outside pressure on this poor guy. Make one wrong move or hurt our GG in any way and Sone’s will be ready to have this guys head. Cheat on our GG and you will be lucky to see the next day. We Sone are a jealous and protective bunch of folks. It will happen eventually, lets just hope we have many more years of enjoying our girls before they have to move on in life.


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