Chunji Radio – Yuri’s Prank on Sunny [2008.04.25]

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Published on October 1, 2015 by Nicehost


Project 86. Sunny was punished and had to do this mission where she had to get the caller to say a certain word. However, Tricky, Yuri once again (like what she did during Taeyeon’s radio broadcast) messed up and made her lose. Yuri was too adorable with her voice imitation. Ok this was suppose to be released with our weekly various clips batch, but it’s too special to not be released like now, and also, we need to reach 100 soon. Pink Subs FTW!

– Soy

Translator: boxclub
Editor: Soy
Timer: Soy
Encoder: slyph

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one Comment

  • apepp29 9 years ago

    tried both video player but didn’t work. 🙁


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