Super Junior’s Kiss the Radio [2010.11.01]

Published on November 11, 2010 by bhost909


In the first of several radios during Hoot promotions, find out where the catchphrase 내↘가↗ 소녀시대다! (I’m SNSD) came from, watch as Yuri forgets her own song and Hyoyeon’s explosion of funniness infects all the girls throughout the show. Kim Shinyoung calls in drop off her inside knowledge of their dorm life and another star from the past reconnects to congratulate them. The girls sing Hoot, My Best Friend and Forever live and finish off the radio with a glimpse of their rendition of DJ D.O.C.’s I’m This Kind Of Person. As always, radios are full of non-stop laughter when they let loose with their personalities.


Translator: jreddevil07
Spot Translator: arghninja
Timer: xxLove812
Editor: Soy
Encoder: kiseki

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